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Love to Laugh and Learn Turns 4 Years Old!

Love to Laugh and Learn Turns 4 Years Old!

Love to Laugh and Learn Turns 4 Years Old

I’m celebrating my blogs 4th year in existence. It’s been a rough year. Last year, at this time, I was so excited that my blog had gone from 1000 followers to 5000. Earlier this year, I found out I had been spammed and I didn’t have near the following I thought I did.

Thank goodness I have followed the suggestions of Bob Lotich, from Christian Personal Finance, and Jonathan Milligan, from Blogging Your Passion. They both said that you should choose a topic, for your blog, that you are passionate about. It should be something that you love even if you never make a penny from it. I do love sharing ways to have fun with your children while sneaking in a little learning in the process.

If you have followed be for any length of time, you have seen me put these ideas into action. I don’t simply tell you about these activities but I document them as I enjoy them with my grandson and great-nephew. Here are my little helpers:

My Little Inspirations

Many thanks go out to their mommies for sharing them with me and sometimes accompanying me on our adventures.

As I take a look back at my very first post, “Learning Should Be Fun”, I hope that I have fulfilled my original goal. “My real vision for this blog is that it can help families have fun learning together…”

I would love to hear from each of you. Have you found value in the activities I have shared? Which ones have you tried? I would love to hear about the successes and the failures. If you have suggestions of activities you would like to see me blog about, please share those too.

Thanks to each and everyone of you for your follows and your support. May God richly bless each of your households.

Most Sincerely,

~ Mama Carmody

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Mama Carmody:

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