Eggs in a Nest: Cooking with Kids

Eggs in a Nest: Cooking with Kids

Eggs in a Nest is a recipe my oldest daughter brought home from elementary school. It’s a simple fun way to make toast and eggs for breakfast.


Slice of bread
Egg (large or medium works best)
Salt/Pepper to taste

Cooking Eggs in a Nest: Cooking with Kids

You create a “nest”, for the egg, in the center of a piece of bread. You can use a circle-shaped cookie cutter. If you don’t have a circle-shaped cookie cutter use a glass or a clean empty can.

Cut a circle out of the center of the piece of bread. Put butter on both sides of the bread. I start by slightly toasting the bread on both sides before I put the egg in the center. When I say slightly, I mean, it shouldn’t even have started to brown yet, just melted the butter and just started to dry out the bread.

Once I have done that to both sides, I break the egg and put it in the hole in the center of the bread. I usually break the yolk but you don’t have to.

Once the egg has cook almost all the way through, I turn it over and let it cook until the bread looks nice and toasted. I put butter on the little, leftover, circle and toast it in the pan too.

Eggs in a Nest; ready to eat.


You can use a knife and fork to cut it up your Eggs in a Nest, or do like my grandson and just grab it up and start eating.

Eating Eggs in a Nest

If you are celebrating something special, you could use a different shaped cookie cutter. For Christmas. we cut a Christmas Star into our bread.

Eggs in a Nest with a Christmas Star

I hope you enjoy this simple and fun recipe.


Mama Carmody:

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