Review: Chase 500 Festival Kids’ Day

Review of Chase 500 Festival Kids’ Day 05-11-13

Monument Circle was shut down to traffic for the day so kids and their families could enjoy some time together in celebration of the 500 Festival.  It was overcast and cool but that didn’t seem to dampen the spirits of the children and families that I saw. I am pleased to say that everything at the Chase 500 Festival Kids’ Day really was free (except for food and drinks).

There were several Bounce Houses to choose from.

Bounce Houses from Chase 500 Festival Kids’ Day
Race Car Bounce House at Chase 500 Festival Kids’ Day

There was even a special Bounce House for young ones.

Bounce House for Young Children at the Chase 500 Festival Kids’ Day

To encourage good health and physical activity Chase sponsored a Rookie Run. The kids looked like they had as much fun waiting on the starting line and dancing to the music, with the 500 Festival Princesses, as they did running the race.

Chase 500 Festival Rookie Run
Chase 500 Festival Rookie Run Collage

The Ferris Wheel was free, just like everything else, and I’m sure that the view would have been fantastic from the top but the line was so long I decided to pass it up.

Ferris Wheel at Chase 500 Festival Kids’ Day

There were several booths with crafts and activities. There was a 500 Festival Princess Craft Zone as well as a 500 Festival Racer’s Craft Zone.

Craft Tents at the Chase 500 Festival Kids’ Day

K-LOVE, which is my favorite Christian radio station, was doing face painting…

K-LOVE face painting at the Chase 500 Festival Kids’ Day

….and the Indianapolis Zoo had a giant game of Conservation Zynga going on.

Zoo Conservation Station at the Chase 500 Festival Kids’ Day

One of the activities I enjoyed watching was the kids’ race track. If you were big enough to pedal, then there was a vehicle for you. Everyone got a prize when they finished.

Pedal Raceway at the Chase 500 Festival Kids’ Day

The other activity I enjoyed watching was the rock wall climbing. It was an activity that both boys and girls were having a great time doing.

Boy climbing rock wall at the Chase 500 Festival Kids’ Day
Girl climbing rock wall at the Chase 500 Festival Kids’ Day

As I said before, you did have to pay for food and drinks. I love festival corn dogs but I never found the booth that was selling them. I also love shaved-ice, sno-cone type treats and saw several of them but this was my favorite for two reasons; one reason was that it was a cute kid-themed stand and the other was because you got to put your own flavorings on the ice.

Kid themed sno-cone stand at the Chase 500 Festival Kids’ Day

Several performances were happening on the steps of the monument but I didn’t get any pictures. I was too short to get a good shot. I enjoyed watching the dancers and there was a funny magician too. The big performance of the day was the Kidz Bop group but I missed them.

Although I didn’t have a child with me so I didn’t get to experience the day through them, from what I observed, everyone was having a great time. There were plenty of activities for all ages and it really was free. I would definitely recommend that you not miss this event next year.

As I was leaving the festival, I turned to get one more shot of the Monument since the sun had finally come out. Just as I got ready to take the shot a red balloon, that someone lost, floated past the Monument. It was my favorite picture of the day and a fitting way to say farewell.

Monument with red balloon floating by at Chase 500 Festival Kids’ Day

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