
“Someone I Love Has Gone to Heaven” is my first published children’s book. I am so excited to share this with you. It is now available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble website, and the Walmart website .
Back Story
I would like to give you a little insight as to how this book came about.
When my two girls were young, we had a very close friend named Brandon. He was a strong, active, young man, in his early 20’s. Within three weeks time, he developed a bad cough that he couldn’t get rid of. After a few doctor’s appointments, they decided to take him in for exploratory surgery. Once they opened him up they realized his body was full of cancer. As they were trying to finish up the surgery a piece of the cancer broke loose and went into his bloodstream. He died instantly.
My Dilemma
How do you explain death to small children? Brandon had been such a big part of our life and now he was gone. Well, God revealed to me how to use a small object, that the girls were quite fond of, to explain the relationship of the body and spirit.
Years Later
Several years later, my girls are grown and now I have two young grandchildren. Their Papa dies (my husband) and God reminds me of the object lesson. I use it with my grandchildren to help them understand the death of their grandfather.
The Result
While creating special books for my grandchildren, God prompted me to create a story for all families to use. The story is written from the little boy’s perspective, after his grandfather’s death. It is my prayer that this book helps you and your child in the explanation and understanding of life and death.
May God bless you with peace and understanding during your times of loss and sorrow. ~ Mama Carmody

Book Trailer