I think learning should be fun. I can’t think of a more delightful place to learn than Disney!
Today, we are going to tackle manners. Using good manners is such an important attribute. Your child will have many opportunities to use their manners and to see manners exhibited while at Disney.
Please and Thank You
The first, in my book, is the simple, “please” and “thank you”. The cast members work hard and sometimes in less-than-ideal situations. It can be really hot or stormy and the cast members still have to be there to care for you. A simple thank you can add some joy to their day.

There will be many opportunities, during the day, to use your manners. One of my favorite times is mealtime.
“Will you please pass the salt?”
“Thank you for letting me get dessert.”
My family came from the south. We were taught to throw in a “please” or “thank you” when answering a question.
“Would you like tomatoes on your salad?”
“No, thank you.”
“Would you like ice cream for dessert?”
“Yes, please.”
The Napkin
Another manner, that is not so widely practiced, is the placing of your napkin. If it’s a restaurant with cloth napkins, we place them in our laps.

Did you know you can send a secret message to your server by where you place your napkin? (Of course, that is, if your server knows the code.) If you leave the table, but will be returning, place your napkin on your chair.

When you are totally finished with your meal, place your napkin on the table next to your plate. This lets the server know they can start taking away your dirty dishes and bring you the bill.

I hope this post on manners has been fun and has given you some ideas of how to use them. What other manners might you use, while on your trip? Don’t forget to continue using them when you get home.
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