Thankfulness might not be the first feeling you think of when someone you love dies, but when they have been sick and suffering, sadness and thankfulness mix together.
My husband died on November 21, 2016, after battling cancer. Dying the week of Thanksgiving gave us reasons to be sad and miss him, but we also had feelings of thankfulness because he was no longer in pain. He was now completely healed, in heaven, with God and Jesus.
Now we had the difficult task of explaining his death to our grandchildren. I went back to an object lesson God revealed to me when my daughters were young. With the help of a fancy wrapped piece of chocolate, I explained how God created the body and spirit to work together.
I then wrote special stories for each grandchild. Then the thought came to me that there were other children around the world, sad and confused by the death of someone they loved. So I wrote the children’s book, “Someone I Love Has Gone to Heaven: A Sweet Object Lesson”.
I pray the book brings comfort to you and your little ones at your time of loss.
This Thanksgiving, I hope you can mix a little thankfulness in with your sorrow as you remember the ones that you love that are not at your table this year.
Happy Thanksgiving! May God richly bless you with His love and peace. ~ Mama Carmody
Places to Purchase “Someone I Love Has Gone to Heaven: A Sweet Object Lesson”:
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Someone I Love Has Gone to Heaven