What is Advent?
Some churches celebrate a season of Advent leading up to Christmas. They are celebrating the coming of Jesus, God’s Son. The simple definition of advent is “the arrival of a notable person, thing or event.” We focus on Jesus coming to earth as a baby and celebrate it at Christmas.
Did you realize that the whole Bible, every story, was pointing to the Advent (coming/birth) of Jesus? I am a grandmother and I have read and studied the Bible since I was 9 years old but I am just now learning that. I knew those Old Testament stories were showing God’s power and leading but I had no idea that, even then, they were pointing to Jesus.
The Jesus Storybook Bible
Since the Christmas season is here, and celebrating Jesus’ birth should be the center of the activities, I’ve created a Christmas Bible Reading plan using “The Jesus Storybook Bible”.
It’s simple enough, start with the first story and read one each day. I’m including the title and a short summary of each story. This Advent reading is a bit unusual because it doesn’t simply cover the birth of Jesus. It starts at the Creation and goes through several Old Testament Bible stories all the way to the birth of Jesus. Experience how each story points to the Advent of Jesus.
This December, take time each day to remember that at Christmastime we are celebrating God’s most precious gift, Jesus, His only Son.
December 1 – “The Story and the Song” pg 12
The introduction of the story of Jesus; the young Hero, the brave Prince. Most of all, it’s the story of God’s love. His love is shown in the greatest Christmas present ever; the birth of Jesus.
December 2 – “The Beginning: a Perfect Home” pg 18
God created everything. He loved His children (all people) more than anything He made. “Whatever happened, Whatever it cost Him, He would ALWAYS love them.”
December 3 – “The Terrible Lie” pg 28
Adam and Eve break the rule and break God’s heart. God still loves them – “with a Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love.” He would show that love by sending the Rescuer, Jesus.
December 4 – “A New Beginning” pg 38
The flood was going to wash away all the hate and sadness, and make the world clean again. The coming of Jesus made it possible for us to be clean.

December 5 – “A Giant Staircase to Heaven” pg 48
Although the people were trying to get to Heaven by themselves, God knew they couldn’t do it. “Heaven would have to come down to them.” And it came in the form of a baby.
December 6 – “Son of Laughter” pg 56
Abraham and Sarah named their baby, Isaac, because he brought them laughter and made their dreams come true. God was going to send another baby that would make the whole world’s dreams come true.
December 7 – “The Present” pg 62

The story of Abraham and Isaac may seem cruel but look deeper. God was showing that a sacrifice would have to be made to make the world right again. God didn’t want Isaac to die. God provided a ram to take Isaac’s place. God provided The Lamb (Jesus) to take our place.
December 8 –“The Girl No One Wanted” pg 70
You don’t have to be beautiful for God to love you, but you ARE beautiful because God loves you. When God looked at Leah, He saw a princess. Through her family He would send The Prince of Peace (Jesus).
December 9 –“The Forgiving Prince” pg 76
“Joseph would leave his home and his father. His brothers would hate him and want him dead. He would be sold for pieces of silver. He would be punished even though he had done nothing wrong.” Can you think of someone else, from the Bible, that was treated this way? (hint: We celebrate His birthday at Christmas.)
December 10 – “God to the Rescue” pg 84
God sent many warnings to Pharaoh but he wouldn’t listen. God sent one last horrible warning but the Israelites were protected by the blood of the lamb. You and I can be protected by the blood of THE LAMB if only we will accept it.
December 11 – “God Makes a Way”pg 92
God knows how to make a path when there seems to be no way. One time the path was made through a deep sea another time the path was made through a baby. (Baby Jesus)
December 12 – “Ten Ways to be Perfect” pg 100
No matter how much we try, we can’t be perfect. We can’t keep all the rules, all the time. Only Jesus can be perfect and stand in our place.
December 13 – “The Warrior Leader” pg 108
The battle was won without a fight. Jesus would later win the battler over sin without a fight either.
December 14 – “The Teeny, Weenie…True King” pg 116
David may not have been the biggest or the strongest, but he was full of love and compassion. Jesus came as a tiny baby full of love and compassion.
December 15 – “The Young Hero and the Horrible Giant” pg 122
David defeats the giant but David admits it wasn’t him or his strength, God was the one to win the battle. Later God would send another young Hero to win the greatest battle the world ever knew.
December 16 – “The Good Shepherd” pg 130
David was a good shepherd but nothing like the one whose birthday we celebrate at Christmas. The Good Shepherd (Jesus) would lead all God’s lambs (us) back where we belong – close to God’s heart.
December 17 – “A Little Servant Girl and the Proud General”pg 136
Naaman had sick skin but even worse, he had a sick, proud heart. God allowed Elisha to heal Naaman’s skin and God healed his heart. Years later, Jesus would come to heal the terrible sickness in our hearts.
December 18 – “Operation – No More Tears” pg 144
God sent the world a message through Isaiah. God told everyone that He was going to send Someone to rescue them but He wouldn’t be what they were expecting. God sent a King; but not one that had riches and lived in a palace, but one that was born in a stable among farm animals.
December 19 – “Daniel and the Scary Sleepover” pg 152
Daniel obeyed God, no matter what it might cost him, and God rescued him. “God would send another brave Hero, like Daniel, who would love God and do what God said – whatever it cost Him, even if it meant He would die.” (quote from The Jesus Storybook Bible)
December 20 – “God’s Messenger” pg 160
At first, Jonah tried to run away and hide from God (which you can’t do). Jonah spent three days in a dark, disgusting place (the belly of a large fish). After that he went to Nineveh and shared God’s message. “Many years later God was going to send another Messenger, like Jonah, He would spend three days in utter darkness. But this Messenger would be God’s own Son.” (quote from The Jesus Storybook Bible)
December 21 – “Get Ready” pg 170
“It had taken centuries for God’s people to be ready, but now the time had almost come for the best part of God’ plan.” God, Himself, was coming. “The true party was about to begin.” (quotes from The Jesus Storybook Bible)
December 22 – “He’s Here!” pg 176
The Maker of the universe could have arrived in great glory and splendor but that’s not how it happened. He came as a small, seemingly, insignificant baby. Not born in a palace but in a barn. “Mary and Joseph named Him Jesus, ‘Emmanuel’ – which means, ‘God has come to live with us’, because, of course, He had!”
December 23 – “The Light of the World” pg 184
God wanted everyone to know about the birth of His Son. He put an especially large, bright star in the sky. He sent angels to make the announcement to the shepherds. Baby Jesus would be like that bright star. Jesus would chase away darkness, helping people to see Him.
December 24 – “The King of All Kings” pg 192
The King God had promised David, all those years before, had arrived. “But this Child was a new kind of King. Though He was the Prince of Heaven, He had become poor. Though He was the Mighty God, He had become a helpless baby. This King hadn’t come to be the boss. He had come to be a servant.”
December 25 – “Merry Christmas!”
“Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:14

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