PBS Kids in the Park Review, 2011
It was a beautiful sunny day to be out with friends and their kids. The parade of characters signals the beginning of PBS Kids in the Park. I arrived at Military Park in time to get a great spot to see all the characters marching in. It’s been awhile since I’ve had a little one in the house so I’m not sure who most of these characters are. I’m going to need my friends and followers, with small children, to leave me comments as to who they are. I will number them as I post them so then you can put the number in the comments and tell me who the character is. I need to learn them anyway since my first grandchild is due the end of July and I’m sure my great-niece and great-nephews are going to know most of these characters soon, if they don’t all ready.
So I will start this post with the parade:
1) I knew this one: Curious George

2. I don’t know this one:

3. & 4. I don’t know this pair either….are they sister and brother?

5. I don’t know who this is but I have loved dinosaurs since I was little and this one is absolutely adorable!

6. Isn’t she pretty?…whoever she is. I think she was waving to me!

7. I”m not sure who this is either (I sure hope you guys are leaving comments to help me out).

8. Ok, I have this one…it’s Clifford the Big Red Dog. He always seemed so much bigger in the books.

9. & 10. These two look like they may be related too but I don’t know who they are.

11. This is The Cat in the Hat.

12. I don’t know who this is.

13. I learned this one from Carson because this was his favorite. This is Daniel Tiger. His show is a spin-off of the Neighborhood of Make-Believe from Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood.

14. I missed this character. I had to edit her out of the back of Daniel Tiger’s picture.

15. Not sure of this one either…I sure hope you guys are helping out by letting me know who these guys are.

16. And this would be why I missed character #14, Mr. McFeely! I was most excited to see him because my younger sister and I used to watch Mr.Roger’s Neighborhood when we were little.

Mr. McFeely stopped right next to me because the little boy standing beside me was named Daniel and it was his birthday. I was so excited to see Mr. McFeely that I had to have my picture taken with him.

Ashley, her sister, Katie, and their kids joined me right at the end of the parade. Ashley had her picture taken with Mr. McFeely too.

The characters were the big attraction for the day. I’m glad we arrived early and were able to see them standing around after the parade because even though they had special meet and greet times the lines were so long we didn’t even attempt to get in them. I thought about taking a picture of the line waiting to see Daniel Tiger but it was so long there was no way I could even get it in a picture.
Some children are scared of costumed characters but Carson loved them and wanted to give every one of them a hug.

Madison found a character that she liked too.

Cody just wanted them all to keep their distance.

There were several booths with activities for the kids. Some of the activities were educational and some were just for fun.
There was a sandbox to play in….

…and flowers to paint.

Madison learned that bad stuff sticks to your teeth and you have to brush it away. I learned that the first time you should take a child to the dentist is after they turn 1 year old.

Carson enjoyed a PB & J at the PB & J Stage…

…while we enjoyed a puppet show with lots of fun music.

As we were leaving we ran into a couple of police officers on horseback. I believe this was the biggest smile I saw out of Madison all day. I wish I had been able to get a better picture but I just couldn’t get the correct angle.

Everyone stopped to get a drink from the water fountain….

…and a group picture.

Overall it was a great day.
To sum up our day:
+ It was great getting to see all the characters during and right after the parade.
– The characters are the big draw of the day so it was disappointing that the lines are so long that you either have to wait forever or you don’t get to see them.
+ There were lots of other activities to do such as crafts, puppet shows and dancing with one of the many shows going on at the different stages.
I would love to hear from anybody that went to PBS Kids in the Park. Please let me know what you and your child liked or didn’t like about the day.
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Jessica Weaver says
This sounds like a fun time!
Mama Carmody says
The parade was the best part.