When I taught preschool, I taught about shapes after my unit on colors. Now that I think back I emphasized colors before shapes with my own children at home too. Children seem to recognize colors before they do shapes so I just went along with their natural curiosities.
As I stated in my overview post on Colors, my children’s first introduction to shapes was not in a formal setting. It was done during everyday activities, like dressing or playing with their toys. Constantly talking to your children helps them to learn. I would say things like, “Look at those colorful stars on your socks”, or “Doesn’t this strawberry look like a heart.” It doesn’t matter if your child is a few days old or three years old, continually talk to them and explain to them what they are seeing. Their understanding of the world around them and their knowledge with grow faster than you can imagine.
Most of your child’s learning should come through play and conversation with you. Read books, do crafts, get down on the floor and play with your child and talk about the things you are playing with.
You will find book suggestions, craft ideas and even snack suggestions that have to do with shapes in the following posts. Use them all at once or break them up and use them over several days. Just have fun with your child and the learning will follow.
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