Learning Activities for the Color Orange
I usually taught the color orange in the fall so we would do pumpkin or jack-o-lantern crafts. But it’s summer time as I am writing this post so I had to come up with some other more “summery” learning activities for the color orange. If it happens to be the fall when you are reading this post or you will be waiting to teach or review the color orange in the fall be sure to check out my post Pumpkins Are Orange and Other Learning Concepts for more ideas.
Finger Play
Story Time
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Go through you closets and drawers and see what kinds of orange clothing you have to put on today. Orange is a great summer color; so bright and cheery. Get dressed in your orange and have a blast today.
What kinds of orange toys can you find to play with? Like I said before, as I am writing this post it is early in the summer so look at some of your outside summer toys and see if they are orange or have orange on them. Do you have an orange ball or a beach ball with orange on it? How about an orange water gun? You could get a package of water balloons and only fill the orange ones then have a great orange water balloon fight!

Carrot Craft
This is a good craft for a little one. It’s very simple and they can practice using their fine motor skills while tearing pieces of paper.

Disposable icing bags
Orange construction
Green ribbon or rickrack
Scissors for cutting ribbon
1) Have your child tear the orange construction paper into little pieces. I used 3 pieces to fill the icing bag.

2) Have them put the pieces of construction paper into a disposable icing bag.

3) Tie the bag off with the ribbon.
4) Now you have an orange carrot.

* I have seen something similar to this done for snacks or party favors; substituting the paper with orange jellybeans or goldfish crackers (mine is filled with Cheez-Its).

Foods for snack or meal time
oranges, orange juice, carrots, sweet potato fries, goldfish crackers, orange pepper
Finger Play
Alley Cats
One orange alley cat wondering what to do
(hold up 1 finger then hold up both hands in a questioning manner)
Along came another cat, And now there are two
(hold up 2 fingers)
Two orange alley cats scamper up a tree
(act like climbing a tree)
Along came another cat, And now there are three
(hold up 3 fingers)
Three orange alley cats, Running through the door
(act like you are running)
Look here comes another cat! And now there are four
(hold up 4 fingers)
Four orange alley cats, Playing in our drive
(act like cats playing, batting at yarn, etc)
Out pounces another cat, And now there are five
(hold up 5 fingers)
Five orange alley cats, Hear a scary sound
(freeze in place, looked scared)
Oh no it’s a dog!
Run, cats, run so we can’t be found!
(act like you are running away)
– Author Unknown
Adapted from http://rhymes.yakaberry.com/cats.html
Story Time
The Big Orange Splot
by Daniel Manus Pinkwater
Reading Level: 4 yrs and up
“Mr. Plumbean lived on a street where all the houses were just the same.”…UNTIL?!?!…read this book to find out what happens to Mr. Plumbean’s house and how he “fixes” the problem. What would you do if this happened to your house? How would you fix the problem?
The Enormous Carrot
by Vladimir Vagin
Reading Level: Ages 3 and up
Daisy and Floyd planted a beautiful garden. Everything grew exactly as they planned except for one enormous exception. Right in the middle of their garden grew an extra large carrot. Read this cute little story to find out how they were able to harvest this huge surprise.
Orange: Seeing Orange All Around Us (A+ Books)
by Sarah L. Schuette
Reading Level: 5 yrs old and up
Here is another great color book from an author that has quickly become one of my favorites. I love her color themed books. Like her other color books, the primary theme of the book is written in rhyme. After you have read through the book you can go back and get more information about the orange item on each page. You can learn interesting facts about carrots, butterflies and tigers, as well as several other objects. There is also an informational section in the back with more opportunities for learning and fun activities for the color orange. I believe that it is given such a high reading level because of the extra information on each page. Personally, I would read this to a child that was under the age of 1 year old. I believe the rhythm of the rhyme and the bright pictures would keep them interested.
Here is a song I enjoyed about the color orange. It even helps your child learn to spell. Because of copyright laws I won’t attach a link to it but you can do a search on the internet and either find the CD or a YouTube version.
Orange Song by Frog Street Press
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Shera says
Your post, Learning Activities for the Color OrangeLove to Laugh and Learn, is really well written and insightful. Glad I found your website, warm regards!