Learning Should Be Fun
“A joyful heart is good medicine…” -Proverbs 17:22
I love exposing children to new learning opportunities. I believe that learning should be fun and hands-on.
Children’s learning activities should be enjoyable and interesting. Repetition of a concept will help secure it in the mind of the learner. I do not suggest repetition as in using flash cards over and over in some sort of old school torture. I mean using the same concepts in several different learning environments.
I share, through this blog, many fun learning opportunities that you can experience with the children in your life. You will find detailed ideas as well as general concepts that you can mix and match in different learning situations.
At first most of my concepts will be for younger children. Although, I did teach 4th, 5th and 6th graders for a couple of summers, most of my expertise comes with young children.
Along with the different learning concepts, I want to research and post different attractions with family friendly activities that are going on in our community. At first these activities will be centered around Indianapolis because that is where I currently reside but my dream is to expand the resources well past Indiana. Although I will be posting specific activities that are going on in the Indianapolis area, I will also suggest general activities that make good learning opportunities that you can look for in your area.
My real vision for this blog is that it can help families have fun learning together but there will be information that will be interesting to teachers too. I am so excited about having this opportunity to share with you.
Most Sincerely,
Mama Carmody
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Michael Charney says
I laud your goals, Karen. The constant struggles (some might say, “fights”) over what constitutes the best kind of education for our kids too often forgets that learning can (and should) be fun–at least most of the time. Doing that often means breaking out of the “conventional wisdom” and trying new things.
I recommend you take a look at the blog of a friend of mine, Mary Ann Reilly, a professional educator based in NJ. While mostly theoretical, there are some fascinating conversations over there about the future of educational models, particularly as technology changes. Her site is http://www.maryannreilly.blogspot.com
kcarmody says
Thank you for stopping by to see what I’m doing. I also appreciate you sharing Mary Ann Reilly’s blog. It has some very useful information.
CSpeno says
A meaningful post especially for parents as they teach they children about the true meaning of this wonderful holiday.
Best wishes.
kcarmody says
I’m glad you appreciate it. My dream is that this will be good for grandparents, aunts/uncles, babysitters, as well as parents. Have a wonderful holiday season.