Hearts: Learning Activities for Shapes
Are you ready for some fun with hearts? Although you see a lot of them around Valentine’s Day, anytime of year is a good time to have fun with hearts. Below you will find books and craft ideas to allow your child to enjoy learning with them.
Fun With Hearts
Story Time
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You might have a shape puzzle with a heart on it or maybe some heart-shaped beads to string. Do you have a shape sorter with a heart? When I taught preschool I used the Lauri Toys Shape and Color Sorter in my classroom. It has a heart shape and the children loved playing with it. Maybe you have a special stuffed animal you received for Valentine’s Day that has a heart on it. Please share with me what type of heart shaped toys you have by leaving me a comment.
Fun with Hearts
This craft idea came from a book so before you do the craft either purchase or borrow from the library, My Heart is Like a Zoo by Michael Hall, and read it to your child. It is a very cute story and the animals in the story are made out of endearing shape. So for this craft provide your child with a bunch of hearts of different shapes and different colors. If your child is old enough to use scissors have them cut them out his/her self.
Materials Needed:
My Heart Is Like a Zoo by Michael Hall
Different color and size hearts or a tub of foam hearts
Different colored construction paper, if your child can cut out their own hearts
Wiggly eyes
1. First read the book to your child.
2. Using the book as inspiration have your child create animals with the hearts. They may want to copy some of the animals in the book or they may create their own animals. Just have fun.
I made a seal from hearts like the one in My Heart Is Like a Zoo. What are you going to make?
Foods for snack or meal time
I could not find any naturally occurring heart shaped foods but there were a lot of cute ideas on Pinterest of how to create heart shaped items but it would be fairly easy to trim a strawberry to look like one. You can use a heart shaped cookie cutter on fruits and vegetables as well as meats and cheeses.
Story Time
The Day It Rained Hearts
by Felicia Bond
Reading Level: Ages 3 – 8 yrs old
What would you do if it started raining hearts and it was close to Valentine’s Day? Pick up this cute little book to find out all the things that Cornelia Augusta did with the hearts she collected. You will enjoy finding out who her special friends are and the perfect Valentine she made for each of them.
My Heart Is Like a Zoo
by Michael Hall
Reading Level: Ages 3 and up
This is such a cute rhyming book. Each of the animals in the zoo are made from hearts. They are quite creative. This book would not only be fun to read but also fun to try and make some of the animals that you find in it.
One Heart: A Valentine Counting Book
by Maryann Cocca-Leffler
Reading Level: Ages 3 and up
There are lots of hearts to look at and count as the little girl shares hearts wherever she goes. There was one special heart she put in her pocket at the very beginning of the book. I wonder who that is for? Pick up this cute little book and find out who the final Valentine is for.
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